Specialists in Hotel Development & Management Solutions

Operating in the North American hospitality industry since 1992.

Aatish Management's objective is to continue growing our hospitality development and asset management businesses in North America with an aggressive effort to expand our expertise into newer markets. Our experienced team offers a full complement of hospitality management and development services designed to provide maximum support and substantial revenue growth. Our hands-on approach spans the entire hotel investment cycle, and beyond.

​The focus of Aatish Management covers asset management, efficient operational excellence, franchisor relations, and much more. We utilize our solid foundation in each of these fields to provide maximum profitability. We pride ourselves on an ability to adapt to a diversified spectrum of hotel properties. An ongoing belief in asset quality, service, employer excellence, and bottom line success has become synonymous with our management style of operating.

Contact Us

18421 North Creek Drive
Tinley Park, IL 60477


Areas of Practice

Hotel Operations and Management


We offer a wide selection of management services of hotel operations, from targeted sales development to full operational management of properties. We curate and develop operation plans based off a properties specific setting, and work to ensure proper implementation and function.

Development consultation and Management


With over 25 years of experience in the hospitality realm, Aatish Management offers unparalleled industry insights and evaluations. We offer full service consultation regarding new developments, as well as distressed properties in need of restructuring. Contact us to discuss how we can help guide proper development for your hospitality needs.

Liability & Risk Assessment


Having weathered the economy for the past 25+ years, we have the knack to assess the risk and liabilities associated with a project or property. We offer full financial and market assessments for prospective projects. We also offer assessments relating to properties distressed properties, and developed solutions to facilitate proper repositioning.

“One of the most important advantages that Aatish Management has over other hospitality management companies is there superior relations with various hospitality brands, such as Choice Hotels, Wyndham Group, Intercontinental Hotels Group, Hilton World Wide, and Marriott International. They are able to leverage their relationships with various franchisors to obtain short term receiver license, as well as long term license, based on project requirement all managing many PIP (property improvement plan) related expenses.”

Get in Touch

Reach out to us with your hospitality related needs or questions.